Why A Trader MUST NOT Be Attached To His Money

All traders share unanimously one desire: making money. However, all the successful traders and investors also share one big quality: they are not attached to their money. If this seems paradoxical, have no worries: this article will help you identify the difference between recognizing the value of money and being attached to it.

How To Overcome Fear In Trading

There are very few humans in the history of trading who have TRULY mastered fear. Fortunately, it is not needed to be perfect beings to overcome it. As traders, we have very often the opportunity to face this emotion and to see the results of its destructive nature.

Why Focusing On Trading BTC & ETH Makes More Money

Are you an alt-coins lover who spends most of his time scrolling a huge amount of pairs? We must be honest with ourselves: everyone likes to spy on alt-coins.

One of the most common mistakes is to spend so much time doing it that traders lose their focus over the environment, which is mainly dictated by BTC, then ETH.