7 Ancient Latin Sayings That Work Incredibly Well In Trading

We often underestimate the wisdom that comes from our ancient history. The average human believes that wisdom is linear and that we become wiser as we go further in time. There is nothing more wrong than this. The authentic capabilities of the mind are non-linear, and ancient wisdom represents tangible proof. We’re talking about sayings… Continue reading 7 Ancient Latin Sayings That Work Incredibly Well In Trading

5 Ancient Greeks Sayings That Work Well With Trading

Wisdom is forever, regardless of the moment in which it appears. When humans speak the truth, their words remain valid, and it has been demonstrated through the centuries by the legacy of great philosophers and sages.   Ancient Greece is known for having prospered intellectually. As traders, our first duty is to gather knowledge; the… Continue reading 5 Ancient Greeks Sayings That Work Well With Trading

6 Common Techniques Of Market
Manipulation In Crypto Trading

market manipulation by investors

Market manipulation is a common practice used by many large capital traders and institutions, even if no one of its users would say so. The reason is that it is not a legal practice: it implies illegitimate profits made at the cost of unsophisticated and naive investors. The crypto market is one of the most… Continue reading 6 Common Techniques Of Market
Manipulation In Crypto Trading

Types Of Orders In Crypto Trading

Are you just starting out with trading cryptocurrencies and looking for an easy guide about the order types? This article is what you’re looking for. It is true, exchanges may seem a bit scary at first; They are full of weird names, parameters, buttons and you end up feeling lost in front of the interface.