How To Optimize Your Research For Trading Knowledge

Trading Research knowledge

Today we are completely inundated with information. Although knowledge is an asset of immense value, this situation demonstrates that extremes always turn out to be counterproductive.

The trading world is particularly lacking in true knowledge in relation to how much useless stuff is out there. For obvious but unjustified reasons, those who have value keep it for themselves, in most cases.

In the end, the greatest source of learning comes from the market, yourself, and the relationship between the two.

But it is also true that valuable knowledge also exists outside. Many people indeed have a desire to truly contribute to the evolution of the world, and therefore they share value in the best way they know.

In this article, we will see how to make the most of the information that comes from ourselves and from the relationship we have with the market; in addition, we will know in brief how to find and make the most of the knowledge that comes from others.

Keep track of your strengths and weaknesses.

Before knowing what to search for, we should know the why: starting from ourselves, then going into the outside world. As we acknowledge what’s inside, we understand what’s outside.

Keeping track of our performance is a great way to identify strengths and weaknesses in our trading. We can readily tell when we have been victims of our own negative emotions, our ego, and when we have been focused and have acted righteously, with balance and neutrality of mind.

In the end, the purpose behind our research for knowledge coincides with getting better, successful, happy with our careers, and satisfied with our achievements.

As we learn about our strengths and weaknesses, we know what knowledge to seek for improvement.

Tracking gives us a clear image of the situation and thus a clear path to follow. Such is how we initiate a job well done. Analyzing and identifying, week by week, month by month, then comparing what we have been to what we have become. That itself is a giant boost of confidence and motivation.

Our approach to trading can teach us everything we need to know about improving: one of the beauties of trading is that you can tell yourself if you’re doing well.

You only need to be as honest and neutral as the numbers are.

Our performance tracking will show us the progress bar of each attribute, and through them, we will know specifically what to level up.

If you liked the idea of having attributes, progress bars, and skill levels, check out this article on The Game Of Trading (COMING SOON).

Rank the necessary improvements in order of priority

Some pieces of knowledge will have a more significant impact than others on our current level. Even so, it is also true that to make complete progress we should gather all the available knowledge. It is good to make 90% progress. But as close as 100% is even better.

An efficient technique to optimize your pursuit of knowledge is to rank the various fields in order of what gives you the greatest boost. Practically, you prioritize what’s more important in the present moment.

As we have all this data about our weaknesses and strengths, the next move is to rank them in order of importance to have an efficient way to level up.

Through this path, we would not waste time on trivial things, worthless skills, or knowledge of dubious utility.

Get specific knowledge from the best sources

After prioritizing the most relevant improvements to do, focus on finding the best source of specific knowledge.

The world is full of meaningless stuff that some people put to the use of others, not so much for the desire to give, as for that to have. But there is also a world full of valuable things, true knowledge that willing people share with others, giving their contribution to the collective evolution. We shall find exactly those valuable sources.

The best sources are where true value is.

We are natural wonders in finding value. But things of little to no value, easy to obtain, sources of shoddy pleasure (at times totally illusory) but instantaneous, have numbed our ability to look at real things, strive for them, and obtain them. The less humans strive for value, the more they adapt to zero value. The more we strive for value, the more the value to which we adapt.

The most efficient way to find the best sources of knowledge is to habituate ourselves to value.

As we get habituated to real things that truly serve us to improve and grow positively, we naturally filter the righteous sources from silly and meaningless stuff. We start going beyond the temptations of greed and fear, instantaneous satisfaction or relief. We can see clearly and follow the best path with a natural instinct.

A rational way to filter up true knowledge is to analyze the source from a neutral perspective and spot any intentions to cause an egotistical reaction in us. Is the source trying to fuel sentiments of greed or fear? Is that source speaking “efficiently” or is it using excessive or forced romanticism and decoration? How much true value can we actually receive from it? Can we feel if the source is much more interested in his returns rather than sharing knowledge?

Focus on practicing that knowledge until you have assimilated it

Practice is action. Action is what transforms an abstract idea into a physical one. If our world is subdivided into an abstract realm and a physical realm as it seems, conscious action certainly functions as a bridge.

Once we have gathered the specific knowledge necessary to evolve majorly, practice awaits us. Our last step is putting into action what we have learned. Anyway, we should be careful not to overload our minds with too much stuff, rather focus on one priority at a time.

Channeling the energy to one priority and avoiding distributing it towards too many things together will optimize the timing of our progress and its order. With efficient and strategic use of our energy, it will be much easier and quicker to assimilate the information and fix it in the mind.

Test the validity of that knowledge in practice and see what happens. If we have done everything right, it will show its effectiveness through the positive impact on our trading.

As we practice with the optimal ratio between consistency and intensity, the information will change from volatile to well-fixed.

Good news! We have successfully leveled up.

In conclusion

Knowledge is an asset of immense value. In trading, it is the essential component of a successful career. Through the appropriate process of accumulation, verification, realization, and application, it can become intelligence, and through mastering, it becomes wisdom.

Knowledge comes firstly with the exploration of ourselves and the market itself. As we get a clear image of it, we know what to look for in the outside world.

Research for knowledge is a vital process for the evolution of our trading. For this reason, it has to be value-oriented, thus made purposeful in the physical reality through action, and controlled through practice and consistency.

Everything described in this article has the sole purpose of being informative and providing general information. The author has no intention of providing any financial advice, legal advice, or tax advice. Do not rely on this article to make investment decisions. Seek professional help before making any such decision. The author does not take any responsibility for loss or damage of any nature. The use you make of the information contained in this article is your sole responsibility.

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